Privacy policy.


We’re video production company based in Nottingham. everything we can to protect your privacy and to make sure the personal data you provide us is kept safe.

This policy explains how we collect data, how we use and store information and what it means for you. We treat all our users in line with our beliefs and we welcome any feedback on any of our actions. Just email us at

What information do we collect?

Directly with us

We collect personal information each time you deal with us, For example when you send us an email, use a contact form, complete surveys or otherwise provide your personal details we collect the information you provide.

From Website interaction with us

We collect non-personal data such as IP addresses, details of pages visited and files downloaded. Website usage information is collected using cookies, see the section on Cookies below. 

Where you give your permission to other organisations 

We may collect information that you make available on, for example, Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin or similar organisations. You may wish to check their privacy policy to find out more information on how they will process your data.

From publicly available data

We may collect information from Companies House, Charity Commission and information published in articles, newspapers or blogs.

Our basis for collecting data

  • Consent: We will process your personal data on the basis of the consent you provided us with. You are free to change your preferences at any time by contacting us by telephone, post or email as shown in the section ‘Your choices and telling us when things change’ below.

What do we do with data?

 We may use the personal data we collect to:

  • Provide you with a quote or service;

  • Provide information you have requested;

  • Analyse the personal information we collect about you and use publicly available information to aid our understanding;

How and where we store your data

How long?

We will keep your personal information only for as long as we consider it necessary to carry out each activity. We take account of legal obligations and accounting and tax considerations as well as considering what would be reasonable for the activity concerned.

If you have any questions about our Data Retention please contact our data protection officer at

Where is it stored?

Primarily all of your data is stored within the UK. However for some services we need to store data with third parties outside of the EU. We ensure all these services abide by the relevant data policies.


We ensure that we have in place appropriate technical controls in place to protect any personal data you provide.

Internally we ensure that access to personal data is restricted only to those staff members require such access. We may make limited use from time to time of external companies to collect or process personal data on our behalf. When we do so, we aim to carry out checks on these companies, put in place contracts to make sure our requirements are clear, and carry out periodic reviews. When we do use external companies, we remain responsible for the storing and processing of your personal data.

However, we need to remind you that despite all our efforts, the internet cannot be guaranteed to be 100% secure, and that you submit data at your own risk.

We may need to pass on information if required by law or if a regulatory body, like HMRC, or the police ask us to.


Every time you visit our website, it sends us a cookie. Warm, crumbly and delicious? Sadly not. This is a text file that tells us about your visit. The information is all anonymous, so we’re told about your computer, not you. And when the data comes to us it’s bulked together with information from all the other visitors to our site. Cookies tell us, for example, about traffic data, location data, device information, the date and time people visit and the pages they visit.

Most major websites use cookies. You can find out more at or

To make the most of our website you should leave cookies turned on, otherwise you might not be able to see all of our lovely site.

Cookies help us:

  • customise what you see when you visit our site, and help us understand what would interest you

  • process any requests, applications or transactions

  • do our internal administration and analysis

You can opt out of cookies by using our cookie banner at the bottom of the website, this will block all non-essential cookies.

We use websites like Youtube and Vimeo to embed videos, and they may send you cookies too. We don’t control the setting of these cookies, so check those websites for more information.

You can also visit the Digital Advertising Alliance website to personalise your advertising preferences.

As some of these services may be based outside of the UK and the European Union, they might not fall under the jurisdiction of UK courts. If you’re worried about that, you can change your cookie settings (see above). Or for more information, visit

Your choices and telling us when things change

If you want to change what we send you or how we contact you, just let us know. It’s also helpful if you keep your details with us up-to-date. Just get in touch and let us know if things change.

At any time you can:

  • ask us to delete your personal data

  • limit how we keep and use your personal data

  • disagree with our reasons for keeping and using your personal data, eg where we have said we have a legitimate reason for processing it

  • ask us to give you an electronic copy of the information we have about you so you can send it to another organisation (data portability)

  • ask to see what information we have about you. We’ll respond within one month.

If you do want to do any of the above, just get in touch and let us know.

Changes to My Town Vision privacy policy

We last updated this policy in September 2023. We’ll amend this policy if there are any changes to how we do things or changes to data protection or other legislation. If we make any significant changes we’ll show you clearly on our website, in our publications or by writing to you.

Whenever you engage with us through our websites, social media, or email we’ll process your information as explained in this policy. When you provide your information, you’re agreeing to this policy. If you don’t agree, please don’t give us your data.

We’d love to hear from you with any feedback or questions.